• What should I wear to the Welcome Party?

    The attire for the welcome party is Country Club Casual. For men, this includes collared shirts and long pants or a nice pair of shorts. Women can wear skirts/pants/shorts with a nice top or a dress.

  • What does "formal attire" mean?

    We suggest that men wear a suit and tie. Tuxedos are welcome but definitely not expected! For women, a formal cocktail dress, floor-length dress, or midi dress is encouraged.

  • Will there be transportation?

    Yes, there will be shuttle buses to and from the hotels for all events. Timing for the buses will be provided closer to the event date and published on our website as well as in your welcome letter. Parking is available at both venues should you prefer to drive. Due to the semi-remote location of our wedding venue, Uber/Lyft is discouraged.

  • What is the weather like in Minnesota in August?

    It is beautiful! Summer temperatues typically are in the upper 70s to mid 80s with a low around 60 degrees at night. Our ceremony is outdoors so please plan for sun!

  • What time should I arrive?

    Our wedding ceremony will start promptly at 4.30 PM. The prelude will start at 4 PM with the seating being open at this time and we estimate the coach bus transportation from hotels to arrive shortly before this. Water and lemonade will be served.

  • I have more questions. Who should I contact?

    If you have any additional questions or need help with booking your room, attire or anything else related to our wedding — you can reachout to our wedding planning team via the Get in Touch page here on our website. You can expect them to get back to you within 24 hours.