How it all began

Grace & Hunt

Our freshman year at University of Minnesota, Hunt and I both had 8 am calculus that met everyday on the St. Paul campus. Since we both lived on the main campus, the 15 minute bus ride made this 8 am even more brutal. Needless to say, energy levels were low. We ended up never introducing ourselves and went the whole semester without talking! (But I did hold the door for Grace a few times! -Hunt) Fast forward to sophomore year over winter break, my friends and I decided to head down to campus for the night. While we were out, I spotted the guy I recognized from math class across the room and decided to finally introduce myself. Hunt and I talked the entire night and it turned out that the guy I had a little crush on from calculus ended up being the one I will spend forever with!

Minnesota is a special place for both of us, after all we did meet at and graduate from the U! Four years, a move to Nashville, and a move to Charleston later, Hunt proposed on August 5th at my family’s home in Minnesota. I truly felt like the most lucky girl on the planet. Both of our families were there to celebrate and some of my friends (some who were also there the night Hunt and I met) surprised me, too! Hunts thoughtfulness in planning the entire evening made it the most special night ever!

And the rest is history

We cannot wait to celebrate with all of you on August 9, 2024!